Search Component
The importance of DnA Dash is the ability to search several databases within NYC Health + Hospitals system and gain a good summary and understanding of a particular dashboard/report before accessing it. This centralized search function is the first of its kind.
DnA Dash has a three-level structure: landing page, results page, and summary page. The landing page features the main function of the service (to search) on the hero area. Feature tiles are available below it. The results page allows users to refine their search with filters and sorting functions. At the last level is the summary page of individual dashboards/reports.
The three levels of Dash: the landing page, the results and filter page, the summary page
The locations category in the filter menu has an unusually large amount of selections which also has subcategories. To ease the filtering process, an exception was made to the locations category: the ability to expand this portion of the filter into a more digestible layout that utilizes the screen’s real estate.
From the summary page, users can access a summary, a trust rating of the dashboard/report, ability to save it, ability to share it, and access flashcards of related charts. (Flashcards are further discussed in another case study.) From this page, users are also given a direct external link to the full dashboard/report.
Summary page with access to flashcards relating to the content
DnA Dash landing page in desktop and mobile layouts
DnA Dash result and filter page in desktop and mobile layouts
DnA Dash summary page in desktop and mobile layouts
Flashcard popup in desktop and mobile layouts