365 Days of Doodles
365 Days of Doodles
There’s power in finishing something. I started a 365-day project because I was in a creative plateau. I needed something to get me to sit down at my work station everyday. And the practice of doing something everyday taught me so much.
Practice truly does makes perfect. If I compared my first 50 compositions to the last 50 ones, the difference is stark. In the course of one year, I went from taking an hour to do one to 10 minutes. The quality of work has improved dramatically as well.
Creativity begets creativity. It was from Stefan Mumaw that I learned that creativity is a skill and not entirely a talent. Like any skill, it can be honed and developed. An entire year of doing this project really stretched my creative thinking. As a result numerous ideas for projects hatched and I ended my year with many options to explore.
There is power in finishing. It’s not too difficult to come up with an idea and start it. But it’s exponentially hard to see it through. I learned that one shouldn’t give up on something just because they start to not like where it’s heading. Sometimes if you just keep pushing at a project even though it’s starting to not look like what you envisioned, something better might come out of it. Or not. But you’ll never know unless you see it through. There’s something to be said about people who finish their projects, for good or bad.
This project was posted daily on a former Instagram account.


I turned the doodles into a calendar the following year.